How to Clean a Pizza Stone Safely & Effectively

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Last updated: January 25, 2024

If you’re a pizza aficionado like me, you know that a pizza stone is key to achieving that perfect, crispy crust. But after a few uses, you’ll notice it starts to look a bit worse for wear. Don’t worry, I’ve got the lowdown on keeping your stone in top shape.

Cleaning your pizza stone might seem daunting, but it’s simpler than you might think. I’ll guide you through the do’s and don’ts to ensure your stone lasts for many pizza nights to come. Stay tuned for some easy, effective methods that’ll make cleaning a breeze.

Why Cleaning Your Pizza Stone is Important

Keeping your pizza stone clean is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, a clean stone ensures that your pizza has that delicious, smoky flavor without the remnants of burnt cheese or dough from previous sessions. Over time, built-up residue can alter the taste of your pizza, and I’m sure no one wants a slice served with flavors of last week’s meal.

Additionally, regular cleaning promotes even heat distribution, critical for achieving that uniformly crispy crust. Dirty stones can cause hot spots that lead to uneven cooking. Think of it as preventive maintenance; taking care of your stone means it’ll take care of your pizzas.

Lastly, proper cleaning extends the lifespan of your pizza stone. With careful maintenance, you can avoid cracks and breaks, ensuring your stone is ready for countless nights of pizza-making. Remember, while appearance isn’t everything, functionality is, and a well-kept pizza stone is both a practical and aesthetically pleasing tool in your baking arsenal.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Your Pizza Stone

When it comes to maintaining your pizza stone, knowing what to do and what not to do is crucial. I’ve compiled essential tips to ensure you get it right every time.


  • Let the stone cool before cleaning. A drastic temperature change can cause it to crack.
  • Use a stiff brush or plastic scraper to remove stuck-on food; be gentle to avoid gouging the stone.
  • Opt for baking soda for tough stains, creating a paste with water and gently scrubbing away the residue.
  • Never soak your pizza stone in water; moisture absorption can lead to cracking during the next bake.
  • Avoid harsh detergents or soaps — they can seep into the stone and affect the taste of your pizza.
  • Resist the urge to oil the stone; it’s not necessary and can create a build-up that’s hard to remove.

By adhering to these simple guidelines, you can keep your pizza stone in great shape, ready to bake perfect pizzas time and again.

Effective Methods for Cleaning Your Pizza Stone

When it’s time to clean my pizza stone, I stick to effective, tried-and-true methods. Flour or cornmeal, sometimes used to avoid sticking, can be brushed off once the stone cools. For any stuck-on bits, I rely on a stiff brush or plastic scraper to gently but firmly scrape them away without damaging the stone’s surface.

Occasionally, I encounter tough stains that won’t budge with brush alone. In those instances, a small amount of baking soda with water creates a cleansing paste. I apply it directly to the stain, scrubbing lightly. This natural abrasive is gentle on the stone and helps lift stains without the need for harsh chemicals.

Keeping the stone dry is crucial. So instead of soaking, if I feel my stone needs a deeper clean, I set the oven to a low temperature and let the stone warm up with it. Once warm, I sprinkle a handful of salt over the surface and use a damp cloth to scrub the stone. The salt acts as a mild abrasive, helping to dislodge any remaining debris. After cleaning, the stone is left inside the oven to dry completely, ensuring no moisture is trapped which could lead to cracking on the next use.

By using these methods, I’m able to keep my pizza stone in pristine condition, always ready for my next pizza night.

Baking Soda and Water Method

When dealing with resistant stains on my pizza stone, baking soda is my go-to solution. The mild abrasive action of baking soda makes it perfect for cleaning without damaging the stone’s surface. Here’s how I tackle those tough spots:

  • I mix equal parts of baking soda and water to form a thick paste.
  • I then apply the paste directly onto the stain.
  • I let it sit for about 5-10 minutes, allowing the paste to penetrate and lift the dirt.
  • Afterwards, I scrub the area with a stiff brush or nylon pad, working the paste in a circular motion.

This method is particularly effective because baking soda is also a natural deodorizer. It’ll not only cleanse but also help eliminate any unwanted odors your pizza stone might have picked up. Remember to wipe the stone clean with a damp cloth afterward and allow it to dry thoroughly to ensure it’s ready for your next pizza adventure.

Salt and Oil Method

Sometimes a stiff brush and a baking soda paste might not be enough for particularly stubborn grime. That’s when I turn to the salt and oil method for an extra cleaning boost. Generously sprinkle coarse salt over the surface of the pizza stone, then drizzle a bit of oil on top—vegetable oil works fine.

Using a folded kitchen towel, I’ll work the salt and oil into a scouring paste, using circular motions to gently but firmly scrub the stone’s surface. This combination works because the salt acts as an abrasive, while the oil helps to loosen and lift oil-based stains.

Once I’ve thoroughly scrubbed the pizza stone with the salt and oil mixture, all it usually needs is a wipe-down with a clean, damp cloth. Just make sure to eliminate any excess oil, as it could create smoke the next time you heat up the stone. The key is to remove all of the residue without saturating the stone with water. Then simply air dry, and it’ll be ready for your next pizza-making session.


I’ve walked you through the steps to keep your pizza stone in top condition. Remember, the salt and oil method is your go-to for those tough spots. With a bit of elbow grease and the right technique, you’ll extend the life of your stone and enjoy perfectly crispy pizza crusts every time. Just be sure to wipe away any residue and let your stone dry completely. Here’s to many more pizza nights with a well-maintained stone!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective methods for cleaning a pizza stone?

You can clean a pizza stone using a few methods. Firstly, a stiff brush or plastic scraper works well to remove loose debris. Secondly, you can make a paste with baking soda and water for a more thorough clean. Just apply the paste, let it sit, and then scrape it off.

Can I use salt and oil to clean my pizza stone?

Yes, for stubborn grime, sprinkle coarse salt on the stone’s surface, then drizzle with oil. Use circular motions to scrub the surface. This salt and oil method helps to loosen and lift oil-based stains.

Is it safe to use oil on a pizza stone?

Using oil is part of the recommended salt and oil cleaning method. It’s safe when used sparingly to help clean stubborn oil-based stains. Just make sure to wipe the stone down with a clean, damp cloth after scrubbing to remove any excess oil.

How do I dry my pizza stone after cleaning it?

After cleaning your pizza stone, it’s best to let it air dry completely. Do not expose it to extreme temperature changes when wet to prevent cracking. Just leave it at room temperature until it’s fully dry before using it again.